Blogs for the year


49 posts

  1. Page Not Found on Netlify with React Router

    2018-12-18react, netlify
  2. React Podcast Episode 31 – “Hooks are Mixins” with Ryan Florence

    2018-12-09react, shownote, podcast
  3. Setting React Hooks states in a sync-like manner?

    2018-12-07problemsolving, programming, react, selfnote
  4. Immutability makes tracking changes cheap

    2018-12-02react, selfnote, todayilearned
  5. About Lazy loading Ant Design Components overriding custom CSS

    2018-12-01problemsolving, programming, react, selfnote
  6. You don't always need to import React

  7. React Podcast Episode 29 - 'Don't Rewrite Your App for Hooks and Suspense' with Jared Palmer

    2018-11-21react, shownote, podcast
  8. Hacktoberfest is over but...

    2018-11-18selfnote, hacktoberfest, todayilearned
  9. Move files around until it feels right

    2018-11-18selfnote, productivity, react
  10. Need to set tabIndex=0 to enable tab navigation

    2018-11-15selfnote, a11y, react
  11. K closest points to the origin in C#

    2018-11-14problemsolving, programming, selfnote, algorithm
  12. Emulate forceUpdate with React Hooks

    2018-11-08programming, react, selfnote, todayilearned
  13. Getting Non-Printable Character ASCII Value Using PowerShell

    2018-11-07problemsolving, programming, selfnote, powershell
  14. Downshift getRootProps

    2018-11-06react, selfnote, downshift
  15. An unofficial show note for React Today and Tomorrow with the React Core Team

    2018-11-03react, podcast, shownote
  16. Loading React Components Dynamically on Demand using React.lazy

    2018-10-28react, javascript
  17. react-use-localstorage

    2018-10-25react, localstorage
  18. Setting up a React Environment for ASP.NET MVC

    2018-10-13react, aspnet, webpack, babel
  19. Resetting Error Boundary Error State

    2018-09-29react, javascript
  20. Sketchnotes for 'Getting Started with Redux'

    2018-09-21blogentry, react, sketchnotes
  21. Making Ant Design CSS Optimization to Work on CodeSandBox

    2018-09-16react, css, antd, codesandbox
  22. Canceling setInterval in React

    2018-09-15react, javascript
  23. Introducing 🍔 Bunpkg 🍔

    2018-09-12announcement, bunpkg, opensource
  24. Accessing React State right after setting it

    2018-08-25react, javascript
  25. Infinite Scrolling in React using JavaScript Generator

    2018-08-11react, javascript, generator, tutorial
  26. Keeping track of on/off states of React components

    2018-07-28react, javascript
  27. Adding VS Code Theme to CodeSandBox

    2018-07-17vscode, codesandbox
  28. Understanding JavaScript Iteration with C#

    2018-07-04javascript, csharp
  29. Providing a Better GitHub Issue Experience

    2018-06-23github, opensource
  30. How to create a Hacker News API GraphQL data source for GatsbyJS

    2018-06-16gatsby, webdev, javascript
  31. Technology Stack Rundown of SHaNc

  32. Introducing SHanC - A Static Hacker News Clone

  33. Rollup Class Properties Transform Babel Plugin Issue

    2018-05-15blogentry, quicktip, babel, es6
  34. Keyboard shortcut to get out of node_modules folder in Visual Studio Code

    2018-05-08javascript, vscode, nodemodules, npm
  35. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 8

    2018-04-28blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  36. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 7

    2018-04-21blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  37. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 6

    2018-04-14blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  38. dotnet new install issue - Error: Value cannot be null

    2018-04-08dotnet, template, core, cli
  39. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 5

    2018-03-31blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  40. A valid usage of Singleton Pattern (with Null object Pattern)

    2018-03-25programming, oop, tips
  41. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 4

    2018-03-21blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  42. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 3

    2018-03-10blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  43. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 2

    2018-03-03blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  44. How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 1

    2018-02-24blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
  45. Background image loading from SVG to Full Image

    2018-02-17blogentry, problemsolving, programming, codepen
  46. PassportJS - Failed to find request token in session

  47. Elasticsearch installation issue on a free tier (t2.micro) AWS EC2 instance

    2018-01-25aws, elasticsearch, troubleshooting
  48. Formatting '.ejs' file in VS Code (Visual Studio Code)

    2018-01-18blogentry, programming, quicktip, ejs
  49. 2017 Report & 2018 Plan

    2018-01-06blogentry, slightedge, todayilearned, 2017