
Hacktoberfest is over but...

selfnote, hacktoberfest, todayilearned

_Photo by Neil Thomas on _Unsplash (Digital Camera + Ocean).

Self note...

Hacktoberfest is over but it has helped me to quickly do a PR for simple typo fixes.

The more I do a PR the easier it seems to contribute.

Did a quick PR to fix a typo (merged at this point) in an open source project documentation for node-imaginary.

I now see what Digital Ocean (DO) was trying to achieve with Hacktoberfest.

Not only were DO trying to giving back to the developer community, DO was trying to help us developers to get used to the process and contribute more, which helps others as well.

취지가 정말로 좋은것 같습니다. (better expressed in Korean).