
How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 3

blogentry, programming, quicktip, series


Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

This is the 3rd part of the series. Here are the methods covered so far.

  1. Part 1 〰️ Select, Aggregate, Where, OrderBy (Ascending, Descending)
  2. Part 2 〰️ Any, Distinct, Concat, SelectMany
  3. Part 3 〰️ Reverse, Zip, Min/Max
  4. Part 4 〰️ Union, Intersect, Except
  5. Part 5 〰️ Sum, Average, Count
  6. Part 6 〰️ First, Last, DefaultIfEmpty, Skip, Take
  7. Part 7 〰️ Empty, Repeat, Range
  8. Part 8 〰️ All, Contains, SequenceEqual

🔴 Overview

Here are the methods covered.

[table id=3 /]

And I will try to stick to using Vanilla JS as I have so far.

The sample collection used in this part is the same as all previous ones but I will list again.





OK, now let's dive into some examples 👍.

🔴 Examples

🔸 Reverse

Ah yes. Yet again, there is another JavaScript method named same as in LINQ, reverse. ⚡ NOTE ⚡: Both in LINQ & JavaScript, reverse has a side effect; it alters current collection and doesn't return a new array.





Reverse is different from OrderByDescending that you don't specify which element to reverse with. It simply reverses the  current sequence in opposite order.

So to make the demo show how reverse works, I flipped first half and last half of the orders and reversed the list.

And now let's move onto the next example, Zip, which is you might use seldom.

🔸 Zip

There is no one-to-one equivalence in JavaScript but you can emulate one. Note that Lodash has zipWith method which works the same as the LINQ version (Maybe I will write LINQ -> Lodash equivalent methods as a next series 😉).





As Zip returns one element from each collection in order, we can emulate the functionality in JavaScript with map, which accepts a callback with an index. We can simply retrieve the matching second collection's item (const text = orderNumbersInText[index]) with the callback's index. Refer to a simpler case on this StackOverflow answer.

🔸 Min/Max

Although Lodash has a similar methods, minBy and maxBy that works the same way as LINQ, I will show you a way to implement it using Math.min and Math.max. (I've combined two methods since both min and max are called the same way)





You can use "Math.min/max" functions to emulate LINQ versions of Min/Max.

Notice that spread syntax (...orders) is used within Math.min/max functions because those functions accept a list of values, not an array, So the array destructuring is required.

If you use "min/max" frequently or make it look just like the LINQ version, you can simply extend the Array prototype as shown below.


Now the it looks the same as the LINQ version.

🔴 Closing Remark

I've chosen some random LINQ methods this time but I will show you how to convert LINQ methods dealing with set operations (union, intersect, etc) in JavaScript.

The full source code and instructions on how to run them are on GitHub.