2017 Report & 2018 Plan
blogentry, slightedge, todayilearned, 2017
blogentry, slightedge, todayilearned, 2017
Featured Image -Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash
This is a post about reflecting 2017 and plans for 2018.
I will share some stats and plans.
This is to make my 2018 plans public (refer to #4 in this Forbes article) so that I can stick to them.
Here are the three things I've tracked and accomplished in 2017.
I've lost 12.34lbs from 1/1~12/31/2017.
It was down 17lbs at one point but gained 5lbs during vacation as you can see in the graph.
The way I lost weight by lowering my calorie intake by tracking what I ate.
I read 87 books.
This is about 40 books less compared to 2016, but it is because I started reading online Korean novels (Munpia) heavily and don't track it.
I track books read on GoodReads but half of books I read are in Korean, which are not found there so I have my own GoogleSheet to track them all.
I've been writing somewhat consistently over the year and was able to write 1 blog per week on the average.
Monthly active user count increased from 5 to 500+.
I will focus on Front-end development.
Here are a few front-end technologies to learn.
I will learn ELK (ElasticSearch, LogStash, and Kibana) stack aka the Elastic Stack to deploy it at work so that I can build skills for my long term goal (Docker & AWS/Azure are on my list as well).
Another thing that intrigued me was cryptocurrency related technologies such as Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum, and IOTA. I don't have enough information on cryptocurrency but it's one of the potential area I'd like to explore.
More open source contribution with a new mindset. After participating in Hacktoberfest 2017, I was exposed to open source contribution.
Getting involved in technical meetups.
It's time to spread good habit (weight tracking) into other areas (I forgot which book this was from).
Shawn (@swyx) has pointed out (Teach to Learn) how teaching helps one to learn. I thought that teaching others by telling stories would be a good idea. (Wrote a story about Webpack but I plan to do more of it).
One thing I learned in 2017 was that being consistent (blog) and tracking (weight) pays off.
I will focus on tracking everything this year and constantly reflect on my progresses and enjoy the process.