How to Implement LINQ methods in JavaScript - Part 7
blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
blogentry, programming, quicktip, series
Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash I will cover LINQ methods for initializing a sequence.
Here are the methods covered so far.
In this article, I will cover following methods.
[table id=8 /]
I won't be using Orders collections as I have in previous articles.
C# is a typed language while JavaScript is not. .Empty returns a typed sequence but since there is no need for a type, you can just return an empty array [] in JavaScript
Nothing surprising as shown above 😀.
For this demo, I thought it was an overkill to use Orders collection used in last 6 articles so simply repeated a sentence, "I love your smile" five times.
JavaScript version uses Array#fill method to simply fill it with undefined and populate it with map.
Same here with the Repeat Demo, I will use a simple case to demo how to generate a range of numbers.
I used he same technique but utilizing an index property of map callback, which is where initialization of a range occurs (index starts from 0).
If you have been following the series, you might have noticed that many JavaScript implementations uses map and reduce.
It's because many LINQ methods are simply a syntactic sugar over what "map" and "reduce" can do.
Please let me know should you find any errors or improvements I can make to the codes. The full source code and instructions on how to run them are on GitHub.