GitHub Universe Gradient Border Button
html, css, design, ux, github
html, css, design, ux, github
In the previous post, "GitHub Universe Gradient Border Card", I showed you how to apply a gradient "fake" border for a card component.
This post will show you how to apply the gradient style for a button.
Slightly different as hover will change the whole button color instead of that of borders.
Similar to the card component,
Here is the "button" element (actually just an anchor that looks like a button).
1<div class="wrapper">2 <a href="#" class="button"><span>View All</span></a>3</div>
As you will position borders using an absolute positioning with z-index,
you need to set the relative positioning and isolate so that z-index doesn't affect the rest of the document.
CSS variables defined here will be available to children.
--offset is the border width.
1.wrapper {2 position: relative;3 isolation: isolate;4
5 --width: 120px;6 --height: 40px;7 --offset: 2px;8}
Create a transparent button without anchor underline.
The size should use the dimension defined in main element.
transition makes the color change more graceful, less jumpy.
1.button {2 width: var(--width);3 height: var(--height);4
5 text-decoration: none;6 color: white;7 background: transparent;8
9 transition: color 0.3s ease-in-out;10
11 /* rest is for setting link style/position */12 ...;13}
The content area of .button::before will provide the button background.
Absolutely position the background smaller than half of offset on each side (top/left/width/height).
to show the border through it.
z-index: -1 will let .button content (<span>View All</span>) to show up on top of the background.
1.button::before {2 display: block;3 content: "";4 position: absolute;5
6 top: calc(var(--offset) / 2);7 left: calc(var(--offset) / 2);8 width: calc(var(--width) - var(--offset));9 height: calc(var(--height) - var(--offset));10 background: #000;11 z-index: -1;12}
Absolutely position the border, which has the same size as .button.
It should show up behind the content as well as the background (z-index: -3).
But since the border content is bigger than the background, .button::after will look like a border for the button.
1.button::after {2 display: block;3 content: "";4 position: absolute;5
6 top: 0;7 left: 0;8 width: var(--width);9 height: var(--height);10
11 /* Gradient copied from GitHub Universe 2020 */12 background: linear-gradient(267.91deg, #ffe57f 9.35%, #ff7170 96.48%);13
14 z-index: -3;15}
When you hover over the button, setting the background color opacity transparent will make the button same color as the border.
.button:hover is optional as the text looks better in this case as black.
1.button:hover {2 color: #000;3}4.button:hover::before {5 opacity: 0;6}