Blogs for the year


50 posts

  1. 'yarn global add' command does not work on Windows

    2017-12-30programming, quicktip, cmd, cmdexe
  2. The Story of JAM – How they dealt with multiple JavaScript files

    2017-12-24blogentry, story, babel, es6
  3. Deploying Existing Create-React-App on GitHub to Netlify

    2017-12-09programming, quicktip, createreactapp, frontend
  4. Loading React Components Dynamically on Demand

    2017-12-03react, javascript
  5. Searching for Books in Command Line Interface (CLI)

    2017-11-26announcement, blogentry, programming
  6. Tips on running React page with Node backend

    2017-11-12blogentry, problemsolving, programming, backend
  7. Summary of Clean Architecture Part II

    2017-11-05blogentry, bookreview, programming, book
  8. Eliminating a Switch statement

    2017-10-28problemsolving, programming
  9. Setting up Environment for Open Source Contribution

    2017-10-15programming, git, github, opensource
  10. Filtering out a stray number in an array

    2017-10-07javascript, csharp
  11. Push git cloned repository to your own on GitHub

    2017-10-01git, github
  12. Displaying Multiple Google Charts in React (react-google-charts)

    2017-09-21problemsolving, programming
  13. Expression Bodied Collection Property Initialization Gotcha in C#

    2017-09-16csharp, datastructures, computerscience
  14. Personal Landing Page (hosted on GitHub)

    2017-09-16announcement, landingpage, personal
  15. Passing an API Key to Heroku Node Application

    2017-09-09blogentry, programming, apikey, deployment
  16. Throwaway Code: Don't recycle, throw it away!

    2017-09-05blogentry, programming, slightedge, todayilearned
  17. An Experience with a Phishing Scammer

    2017-08-26blogentry, uncategorized, experience, phisher
  18. Flexbox Learning Path

    2017-08-13blogentry, programming, css, flexbox
  19. TIL - An Epiphany while reading The Richest Man in Babylon

    2017-08-05todayilearned, book, epiphany, therichestmaninb
  20. Getting over Insomnia

    2017-07-29todayilearned, diary, insomnia, reflection
  21. TIL - While Reading the Phoenix Project

  22. Hiding API Keys on GitHub

    2017-07-08blogentry, programming, ignore, backend
  23. Opening Reddit Links using Chrome Plugin

    2017-06-25blogentry, programming, todayilearned, automation
  24. How to call GoodReads API using YQL

    2017-06-20blogentry, programming, todayilearned, es6
  25. How Refactoring Helps Dealing with Legacy Code

    2017-06-11blogentry, programming, beyondlegacycode, book
  26. Dynamically Resize Signature Field in Word Template (Like a Web Developer)

    2017-06-04blogentry, programming, c, interop
  27. Parsing a number into digits - Reprise

    2017-05-27blogentry, programming, c, digits
  28. Setting up an ES6 Environment for ASP.NET MVC 5

    2017-05-22blogentry, programming, aspnetmvc, aspnetmvc5
  29. Union-Find Algorithm

    2017-05-13blogentry, programming, todayilearned, algorithm
  30. Implementation of Bellman-Ford Algorithm

    2017-05-07blogentry, programming, bellmanford, c
  31. On "Create a Blog to Boost Your Career Course" (by John Sonmez)"

    2017-04-29blogentry, bookreview, blog, boost
  32. Review of the Clean Coder (by Uncle Bob)

    2017-04-24blogentry, bookreview, extremeprogramming, kentbeck
  33. My journey on Implementing Dijkstra's algorithm

    2017-04-20blogentry, programming, algorithm, dijkstrasalgorithm
  34. Breadth-first tree traversal

    2017-04-08blogentry, programming, breadthfirst, traversal
  35. Explaining OOP keywords to CSO

    2017-04-01blogentry, todayilearned, cso, explanation
  36. Depth-First Tree Traversal

    2017-03-26blogentry, programming, inorder, postorder
  37. Removing Duplicates from an Array (Using C#)

    2017-03-18csharp, tutorial
  38. Parsing a number into digits

    2017-03-11blogentry, programming
  39. Pain of supporting COM enabled .NET library

    2017-03-04blogentry, programming, todayilearned
  40. Catching a code bottleneck using a profiler

    2017-02-25blogentry, programming, todayilearned
  41. Readability Conscious

    2017-02-19blogentry, programming, todayilearned, c
  42. How I learned to appreciate others

    2017-02-11blogentry, todayilearned, appreciation, praise
  43. Getting lazy with Resharper

    2017-02-04blogentry, jetbrains, laziness, lazy
  44. Review of Extreme Programming Explained Second Edition

    2017-01-28bookreview, book, review
  45. Reading List for 2017

    2017-01-24blogentry, books, fiction, japaneselightnovel
  46. Inspirational Posters

  47. Solving a HackerRank Problem with Modulo Array Rotation

    2017-01-13blogentry, programming, application, apply
  48. Blaming Windows 10 for My Own Mess Up

    2017-01-12blogentry, blame, messup, todayilearned
  49. Iterating two enumerable objects simultaneously

    2017-01-09blogentry, programming, c, crackingthecoding
  50. Thoughts on "Dealing With Lack Of Confidence As A Developer"

    2017-01-07blogentry, johnsonmez, review, simpleprogrammer